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I'm so frustrated with Inslee's new law that comes into effect next month, I believe, that mandates I must take an educational gun safety class before I can utilize my constitutional right to own a gun.

If you have a constitutional right to something, you shouldn't have to do something to "earn" that right.

I have a constitutional 'right' of free speech. But do I really have that right if I'm compelled by the government to take an English class or take a class on rhetoric and prove to the government that I "qualify" to be able to use that right?

Or what about my constitutional right of religious freedom. Do I need to take a 'comparative religions' class to prove that I'm worthy to use that God given right.

I will never again attend a candidate's fundraiser without asking him not just does he support the 2nd amendment, but what has he done to support and solidify it...!

Timothy Ramsye

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