I have been utilizing your information and found it incredibly helpful! I do have a question though, in executive committee session is public comment open? I'm specifically commenting on SB 5237 which takes further control from the local school board level. Can't seem to find the information and you are the first person that popped into my head to ask. Thank you in advanced for helping!

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No, the public doesn't get to comment during executive session. If you miss the public hearing (usually held two or three days prior to executive session) you can write directly to the members in the committee. You'll have to download their contact info from Leg dot WA dot GOV and create a committee mailing list for yourself, but it's a useful thing to have.

Sometimes a bill is referred to a second committee, so you can write directly to that committee, as well.

I don't use the "Comment on this bill" that's available on the Bill Info page until a bill makes it out of committee and is headed for a floor vote. That's when your legislators will pay attention to the bill... many die in committee, so it's a waste of your time to comment on anything that is not out of committee yet.

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Thank you for the clarity. Yes I did take the opportunity for testimony in public hearing. Wanted to ensure I wasn’t missing a step with the executive session. What you are saying makes perfect sense. Will watch and wait for that opportunity.

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